You might have arrived at this page either out of curiosity or because you have already made the decision to learn something about how to communicate when the rest of the world has been left in silence. Having served with NAVMARCORMARS for a number of years as an Emergency Communications Coordinator as well as an MDS (Mars Data System) operator I know a little about how to communicate when others can’t.

I believe we will see in the future a major power grid failure caused by either a coordinated strike in strategically vulnerable locations (of which there are many) or a cyber attack. This is not the place to educate you on the possibilities of a grid down. There is literally page after page of information put out by our government about the danger of a power grid going down. As a matter of fact, some talking heads come to the conclusion that it is when and not if.

A group of hams in my area who are members of the AmRRON organization came together recently to start a local communication preparedness group that would work together as an AmRRON affiliate. Our goal was to establish communication protocols within our own neighborhoods so that if we were to see a major situation occur we will have a way of communicating on a local level without having to depend on cell phones, landlines, or the internet. We know that in a major grid down these forms of communication will be the first to go. Thus SEEN was created to fill the communication needs on a local basis with the ability to communicate regionally, nationally, and even worldwide in the event of a major disaster whether natural or man-made.

SEEN is looking for radio operators primarily in the state of Alabama that would like to be a part of a highly skilled group of men and women trained or willing to be trained for service in the HF bands using voice and digital modes i.e. FLDIGI, JS8Call, Vara, as well as other digital data modes. Voice modes on both VHF/UHF and HF are a basic requirement. If you are not an amateur radio operator then we absolutely have a place for you in VHF/UHF communications in your local neighborhood. If you are an amateur radio operator and are not HF capable or your license class does not permit you to use the HF bands then yes, there is a much-needed place for you also. We utilize what is called the Channel 3 project (CH3). You can learn about the CH3 Project here.

For those that are not licensed amateur radio operators we want you to realize the importance of your role as “boots on the ground”. Collecting and exchanging information on a local level is crucial to the safety and well-being of fellow citizens in our neighborhoods.

Please visit our SEEN site for more information on the SEEN group and emergency communications by clicking the image below.